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Trinity Anglican Methodist

Primary School

Aiming higher together, every day in every way

Trust Logo

Social Education


Our Vision Statement captures our desire to inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture & challenge, we also aim to provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive; to lead and serve in their lifelong journey as local, national and global citizens. 


Children are given opportunities to use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds thereby being able to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • There are opportunities for the children to socialise with others from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic background through our collaboration with other schools in Portishead and across the Multi Academy Trust eg sporting competitions, choir and dance festivals.
  • Our Learning Mentor works with individual or small groups of children supporting their development of social skills. The Thrive Approach has been recently introduced to provide greater insight and resources for helping children and families in their social interactions, self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of well-being.



Children are given encouragement to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.

  • NSPCC visit school regularly to encourage children’s voice in expressing what makes them feel uncomfortable which is subsequently reinforced through regular circle times in classes.
  • Through the big questions in our curriculum, we encourage children to learn to ‘live with contradictory convictions’ in which they develop reason, engagement and participation.
  • Teachers are also confident to move beyond planned opportunities to make the most of questions raised by the curiosity of pupils and opportunities that occur spontaneously across the curriculum eg food waste in our kitchen

(See Communities, Moral and British Values sections of website)



Together we inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture and challenge, we provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive, to lead and serve in their life long journey as local, national and global citizens.
