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Trinity Anglican Methodist

Primary School

Aiming higher together, every day in every way

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Wider Curriculum



Fourteen children from Y5 have been working with our local PCSOs from Avon and Somerset Police  to form a Trinity Mini-Police group.  They meet once a week and learn about how they can support their local community through responsible citizenship.   Please find attached their latest newsletter.   Photos of our Trinity mini-police team will follow shortly. 


Local Community Links


We are often looking for opportunities to make children's learning more meaningful through making links with the wider community.   Our first main community project is in the autumn term, when children have an opportunity to apply for and participate in the Mini-Police.  Later in the year, as part of our chocolate topic, we link with Fairtrade Portishead where we learn about cocoa farming co-operatives and contribute informative posters to their stand during Fairtrade week. 


We have also linked with Portishead Methodist in designing Fairtrade recipes for products such as smoothies and desserts.   Last year's winners were invited to the community cafe at the Methodist Church to recreate their recipes as an addition to the menu.  All children were invited to the cafe and were treated to vouchers for a complimentary hot chocolate. 


Together we inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture and challenge, we provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive, to lead and serve in their life long journey as local, national and global citizens.
