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Trinity Anglican Methodist

Primary School

Aiming higher together, every day in every way

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Admissions Consultation

This page is updated as necessary


Current Consultations:

Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27.


In accordance with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (The Admission Authority) is consulting on proposals to alter the Admission Arrangements for Trinity Anglican Methodist Primary School for 2026/27. 


It is intended that the revised Admission Arrangements will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2026.


You may view the proposed School Admission Arrangements along with the launch notice (which details the changes proposed, and how you can comment) here -


The consultation will open on 2nd December 2024 and will close on 20th January 2025.




Bristol City Council are consulting on school admission arrangements for 2026/2027. Please can this information be shared with the appropriate person in your organisation responsible for school admissions.  

Why are we consulting?

School Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements outline how school places will be allocated at each school setting, including the school’s over-subscription criteria which is used when schools receive more applications than places available.

For all community and voluntary controlled schools, arrangements are determined by the Local Authority. For all other schools this is the responsibility of the individual school or academy trust.

Bristol are consulting on the proposed arrangements for all Bristol community and voluntary controlled primary schools and the admission arrangements for selected Bristol infant to junior school transfers for 2026/2027.

A full list of schools using Bristol Local Authority's determined admissions arrangements:

All Bristol community schools

  • Air Balloon Hill Primary
  • Ashley Down Primary
  • Bishop Road Primary
  • Blaise Primary & Nursery
  • Brentry Primary
  • Broomhill Junior (from year 3)
  • Brunel Field Primary
  • Chester Park Infants
  • Chester Park Junior (from year 3)
  • Fair Furlong Primary
  • Glenfrome Primary
  • Hannah More Primary
  • Hillcrest Primary
  • Holymead Primary
  • Knowle Park Primary
  • Nova Primary
  • Sea Mills Primary
  • Sefton Park Infant
  • Sefton Park Junior (from year 3)
  • Shirehampton Primary
  • Southville Primary
  • Summerhill Infant
  • Upper Horfield Community
  • Whitehall Primary

All Bristol voluntary controlled schools

  • Avonmouth C of E. Primary
  • Horfield C of E Primary
  • St John's Primary
  • St Peter's C of E Primary
  • Willow Park Primary

This list may change if school governance changes. For example, if a school becomes an academy.

Published Admission Number (PAN) Reductions

PAN refers to the maximum number places that can be offered at a school for each year group. Bristol City Council are proposing PAN reductions at the following schools for their reception intake year from 2026/2027.

  • Bishop Road Primary School from 120 to 90
  • Air Balloon Primary School from 120 to 90

Between 2005 and 2017 Bristol experienced a significant and ongoing increase in the demand for primary school places, largely caused by rising birth rates.  As a result of this and to ensure there were enough school places for every child who needed one, primary school provision was expanded with many of our schools increasing their site capacities and some new schools were opened.

Since 2017, birth rates across the city have been in decline and Bristol now faces the significant issue of surplus primary school places.

A considerable number of our primary schools are now undersubscribed. By 2026, the LA forecast a citywide surplus of over 1,000 allocatable reception year places.  This puts smaller schools at risk of being financially unsustainable. 

The LA has reviewed the potential reduction in size of some of our largest schools though PAN reductions to even the school place numbers across geographical areas. In making this proposal we have also considered historic first choice places and other primary schools within a short distance of the schools.

The LA understands this is difficult decision and we have considered the needs of the schools and the families involved.  Currently over 97% of families are allocated one of their top three primary school choices, 91% receiving their first choice.  Due to falling demand, the potential to receive an offer at a preferred local primary school will remain very high.  

We welcome the proposals from a number of academy schools also consulting on reducing their PAN.  This is a challenge that we face as a city and one that we are keen to respond to as a city.

Organising the city’s schools by offering a sustainable number of places will be an ongoing challenge.  Acting now and continuing to review available places each year, while pupil numbers are predicted to be declining, will help larger schools plan for a falling roll with regards to staffing and resources as well as greater enhance the potential survival of our small schools.  Keeping schools open is important to our local communities, it also provides the flexibility to increase places, should demand rise again in the future.

Co-ordinated Schemes

Local Authorities are responsible for setting the process by which applications and offers of school places in their area are managed. Bristol City Council are required to co-ordinate the normal admissions round and late applications for all primary, Secondary and some in year places for the city. We are consulting on the proposed co-ordinated schemes for 2026/2027

How to get involved

If you would like to comment on the proposed arrangements please complete the online feedback form on our ASK Bristol Consultation Page

Alternatively, email or post to James Last, School Organisation, Bristol City Council, City Hall, PO Box 3399

The consultation will run until 31st January 2025

What happens next?

Once the consultation period has ended, feedback will be reviewed and the arrangements will be determined and published on the Bristol City Council website by 15th March 2025.








Please be advised Windwhistle Primary School, part of the Extend Learning Academies Network, are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2026-27 school year.

You may find the proposed policy on the schools website: Admissions Arrangements | Windwhistle Primary School and notification on the ELAN website: Admission Arrangements | Extend Learning Academies Network.

The consultation opened on Thursday 12 December 2024 and will run until Thursday 30 January 2025.

 You may submit responses in writing to Extend Learning Academies Network, 13 Lime Close, Locking, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8BH or alternatively you can e-mail comments to:






Hans Price Academy as part of Cabot Learning Federation are consulting on their proposed admissions arrangements for 2026-27.

You may view the proposed policy here: Consultation on the Draft Admissions Policies for Hans Price Academy 2026/27 - Hans Price Academy

The consultation period will run from 5th December 2024 to 24th January 2024.

Any comments or objections can be sent to or in writing to Elizabeth Tincknell, Federation House, King’s Oak Academy, Brook Road, Bristol, BS15 4JT.






In line with the School Admissions Code, Cathedral Schools Trust (CST), which is the admission authority, is consulting on the admission arrangements for the following schools only that are within the Trust, for children who will be admitted during the academic year 2026/27:

  • Ashton Gate Primary School

Proposal 1: to reduce the published admission number (PAN) for new Reception children from 120 to 90 places, effective from September 2026.

Since 2017, birth rates have fallen in Bristol and there is therefore reduced demand for primary school places across the city. This trend is not unique to our school; across Bristol, there are currently 500 unused primary places and the decrease in overall demand is forecast to continue into the foreseeable future.  Managing pupil admission numbers (PAN) down in a controlled and organised way in conjunction with other schools allows for more sustainable place planning across the city and better distribution of places. 

We have consulted with the School Place Planning Team regarding future projected pupil numbers in Bristol, and they have confirmed that the planned requirements will still be met once this proposed change is implemented. 


Proposal 2: to include a children of staff criterion to the priority list for admissions for Ashton Gate Primary School. The option for staff to be able to send their children to the school where they work is important for a range of reasons including making the logistical challenges of childcare more manageable and supporting their wellbeing. Evidence from other trust schools indicates it also supports recruitment and retention of staff. 


In addition, CST is consulting on the admission arrangements for:

  • Bristol Cathedral Choir School (Post 16 provision only)

  • Trinity Academy (Post 16 provision only)

Proposal: Both schools use an on-line admissions portal to administer and process applications to the 6th Form.  The proposal is to amend the wording to better explain the application process including how provisional offers are made, and how confirmation and enrolment takes place. The wording in the arrangements has also been amended to provide clarity as to how late applications and applicants with non-standard qualifications are treated.

Please click here to view the proposed admission arrangements for the above schools. (Proposed changes are highlighted in yellow).

The consultation process will run from Friday 6th December 2024 to 12 noon on Friday 31st January 2025. 

It is important to emphasise that this is a consultation process and that all views will be heard as part of this consultation and arrangements are not agreed until after the consultation has taken place. 

Comments are not being sought on the rest of the arrangements.

If you would like to comment or offer feedback on the proposed changes to the admission arrangements please complete the form here, ticking the relevant box to show which school your comments refer to.  Please note responses received after 12 noon on 31st January 2025 will not be considered.

If you have any queries or requests for hard copies of the admission arrangements please contact Mrs Juliet Turner, Admissions, Cathedral Schools Trust via email:


Alternatively you can contact us by post at: CST Admissions, ℅ The Acorn, St Katherine’s School, Pill, North Somerset, BS20 0HU





Parklands Educate Together Primary, part of Educate Together Academy Trust, are consulting on their proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year and beyond. This consultation is to ensure that the policy is clear and complies fully to current statutory guidance on admissions.

The consultation opens on Monday 2nd December 2024 and will run until 20th January 2025.

You are invited to submit comments to the consultation which is available here:

Admissions & FAQ's - Parklands Educate Together Primary - Learn together to live together

You may submit responses in writing to:

Lauren Ball

Business Support Assistant

c/o Redfield Educate Together Primary

Avonvale Road



Or alternatively you can e-mail comments to:

Following the consultation period, the Trust Board and Local Governing Board will consider all comments received in determining the admission arrangements for 2026 and make a decision by 28 February 2025.

The final policy and Consultation report will be available on the school website from 1st March 2025.





In accordance with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (The Admission Authority) is consulting on proposals to alter the Admission Arrangements for the following schools for 2026/27.

Kingshill Church School, Nailsea

St John the Evangelist Church School, Clevedon

Trinity Anglican Methodist Primary School, Portishead

Worlebury St Paul's Church School, Weston-Super-Mare

It is intended that the revised Admission Arrangements will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2026.

You may view the proposed School Admission Arrangements along with the launch notices (which detail the changes proposed, and how you can comment) here -

The consultation will open on 2nd December 2024 and will close on 20th January 2025.




Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2026-27.

You may find the proposed policy and details on the school’s website here: Admissions | Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangements by 12.00 pm Noon on 6 January 2025. Final arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2025 and will appear on the school/trust website by 15 March 2025.

Comments should be sent to Sarah Pinfied at The Dunstan Catholic Educational Trust c/o St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Park Avenue, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA6 7EE.




Please be advised that North Somerset Council are consulting on the School Admissions Coordinated Schemes for Primary and Secondary Schools for 2026-27.

The details and documents of the consultation can be found here: School Admission Coordinated Schemes 2026-27 - North Somerset Council Consultations

Responses should be submitted via the online questionnaire by 23:59 on Friday 17 January 2025.

Please contact us at if you have any queries.





Please be advised that St Francis’ Catholic Primary School are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2026-27.

You may find the proposed policy and details on the school’s website here: St Francis' Catholic Primary School - Admissions

You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangements by 12.00 pm Noon on 20 December 2024. Final arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2025 and will appear on the school/trust website by 15 March 2025.

Comments should be sent to Dr Daniel Doyle (Executive Principal) at and St Francis Catholic Primary School, Station Road, Nailsea. BS48 4PD.





Kaleidoscope Multi-Academy Trust are consulting on their proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year. Proposed changes from the existing arrangements include:

·         Pupil admission number (PAN) change for Worle Village from September 2026 to reduce to 15

The proposed arrangements can be found here:

Comments are not being sought on the rest of the arrangements.

You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangements by Noon on 8 January 2025. Final arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2025 and will appear on the Trust website by 15 March 2025.

Comments should be sent to the Kaleidoscope Central Office or Kaleidoscope MAT, C/O St Martin’s C of E Primary School, Spring Hill, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 9BQ. 





St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School are consulting on their admission arrangements for 2026-27.


You can find the proposed policy and details on the school’s website here: St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Admissions


You are invited to provide any comments by 6 January 2025. Comments should be sent to




Together we inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture and challenge, we provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive, to lead and serve in their life long journey as local, national and global citizens.
