Held in the third week of every term. Please check the newsletter for details.
As-new Uniform always on sale at just £1.00 an item, this provides excellent back up to uniform that you have already bought, you are welcome to come along and rummage through our stock.
Craft and preschool play always on offer, either bring your little ones along or if you've dropped them off at school, join us to meet friends old and new.
Oasis parent and child library, anyone is welcome to sign out books that can be great for all the family, covering topics such as 'starting school' 'potty training' 'top tips for parenting' 'divorce' 'self esteem' and much more. The books are always on display at Coffee, Cake and catch up as well as every Monday 8.45am 'til 10.00am in our OASIS@Trinity