Friends of Trinity was founded in April 2008 before the school was even built. We arranged our first fundraising stall at the 2008 Portishead Carnival and another at the Portishead Flower Show in July. This was followed by many other successful events including our annual Christmas and Summer fairs, Craft Fairs, Toy Sales, Clothes Recycling and quiz nights, to name but a few!
The success of these events has enabled us to purchase many items for the school, including iPads, playground equipment, maths resources, reading books and outside speakers. If you are community spirited, enthusiastic and keen to support our school we would love to invite you to our next meeting. We are a friendly bunch with lots of great ideas and we always welcome more willing volunteers. You could be a parent, grandparent, auntie, uncle, friend or neighbour. Please note that all volunteers will need to complete a DBS check form to comply with our safeguarding procedures. There are two ways in which you could support the school. Either as a volunteer - we’ll keep a note of your details and contact you when we are holding an event just to see if you are available to help or, alternatively you may consider becoming a committee member. If you are interested in getting involved, then please contact us via the school office and one of the FoT team will be in touch. We look forward to welcoming you!
Do You Shop On-line?
Did you know that by logging on to the easyfundraising website and registering via the charity ‘Friends of Trinity – Portishead’ you can shop in all your favourite places and raise money for the school? M&S, John Lewis, Sainsburys, and Disneyland Paris are all examples of the retailers involved in the scheme. Happy shopping! Visit