Our Vision for Writing at Trinity
At Trinity, we are committed to nurture and challenge children on their journey to become competent and confident writers. We aim to lay firm foundations for them to succeed as effective communicators across the genres of narrative and non-fiction, exposing them to rich language and high-quality text across the curriculum.
Real purpose and audience are valued, allowing our children to see the impact of their writing on the reader now and recognise how this can be used to serve as local, global and national citizens in the future. Inspiring them to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
Early Writing In our Early Years, we encourage writing by providing an engaging learning environment and providing stimuli for writing such as using high quality texts, talking about real life scenarios etc. We value writing and we want the children to value their meaningful marks right from the very start of their school journey!
We guide the learning in the Early Years by listening to the children. We plan ‘in the moment’ and adapt our practice to reflect the interests of the children. This often leads to wonderful and sometimes bizarre moments, such as flying to the moon in a space rocket or preparing dinner for ten guests in the mud kitchen! However, we know that the outcomes achieved when learning in this way are high quality and memorable. Our skilled staff, work alongside the children and use questioning effectively to support and extend their understanding. |
Writing Throughout the School Children at Trinity enjoy high quality writing experiences through expose to high quality texts, making links to real life experiences and writing for a real purpose. We often make links to our topics and we will expect writing to happen across the curriculum. Therefore, the children are constantly building on their writing skills and understanding how these skills are transferable. At Trinity, we plan opportunities for children to;
Children will develop as writers through the skills-based curriculum we provide. They will understand that these skills can be applied to varying genre and for a variety of purposes. Opportunities for regular short burst writing are encouraged throughout a unit of work, enabling the children to experience writing opportunities as regularly as possible. Handwriting is rigorously taught throughout the school focusing on pre-cursive letters in EYFS and developing to cursive script. |
Grammar The teaching of grammar begins as soon as your child starts school. Although the vocabulary associated with grammar can seem complex, we know that our pupils can quickly take this on board and use it day in and day out. Your child will experience discrete teaching of grammar in their English lessons so they can fully understand what these skills are and how to use them accurately, precisely and for effect. Our teaching staff will also plan for your child to apply these skills in a meaningful context, such as when responding to a high quality text through writing, when performing to an audience or when using technology. |
Spelling At Trinity, we follow the National Curriculum Spelling progression for Year 1 to Year 6. Primarily, we use a 'phonics first' approach to spelling and build on the phonics taught in EYFS and KS1. Across both key stages, spelling is taught as a discrete lesson where rules and patterns are explored. The children will develop their understanding of the various rules through an investigative and problem solving approach.
In addition to this, spelling forms part of the weekly home learning for all pupils and the progress children make is tracked rigorously. Interventions will support those who do not grasp a spelling pattern/rule or do not apply this in their independent writing. |