RE Vision
RE - Children's Voice Year 1 - 6 1. Things I enjoy about RE........ "I like how we get to learn about new religions." "I like all the art and craft and all the drama." "I like all the different stories." 2. Things that me help in learn in RE..... "I like video clips and films." "using i-pads for research." "I learn through the drama." "I like painting because it helps you think'" 3. What have you learnt about how other people's beliefs impact on their lives? "Some people have to pray 5 times a day." "People have to follow the rules of how to live, it depends what they believe." "People go to church or to the temple" " Some people have to wear special clothes and cover up their bodies" 4. How do the British values support your learning in RE? "Respecting someone else's point of view, if you don't get on it helps if you understand their point of view." "Being tolerate and understanding that different people have to do different things." Democracy - "Everyone has an opinion and they are all important." "It's important that following a faith is someone's choice otherwise they might grow up feeling unhappy and depressed." |
Please see below examples of children's learning in RE.
RE is a necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ and must be provided for all registered pupils in state-funded schools in England. It is compulsory for all pupils in academies. RE is multi-faith and recognises the place of Christianity and the other principal religions in the UK. Non-religious worldviews are included.
This requirement does not apply to pupils below compulsory school age (although there are many examples of good practice of RE in nursery classes).
Parents have the right to withdraw their child(ren) from RE or part of RE and can do so without giving any explanation. Parents can only withdraw their child(ren) from RE, not other curriculum areas. For example, pupils can’t be withdrawn from a study of religious art in an art lesson, or parts of the history curriculum such as the study of Christian conversions. Please contact the Head teacher for further details.
RE 2023 -24
RE across Trinity school 2022 - 23
RE in Lockdown 2020-21