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Trinity Anglican Methodist

Primary School

Aiming higher together, every day in every way

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Themed Curriculum

Themed Learning (Y1-6)


Children’s learning is planned around topics which are question based to arouse curiosity. Most subjects can be taught through the topic but where not, are covered discretely. For each theme, teachers discover what the children already know and would like to find out which allows us to plan around children’s feedback thus ensuring our curriculum suits our own context well and helps children remember what they have learnt. Topics also include a variety of first- hand experiences through inspirational ‘Wow Days’, visits or visitors and a chance for children to showcase their learning in a presentation.

Each topic has a science, history or geography focus to bring balance to the curriculum. A carefully chosen quality class reader is planned for each topic to capture the children’s interests, enrich their vocabulary and inspire engagement. Depth of learning is achieved by harnessing the expertise of visitors, through a continuous culture of high expectations and full participation as well as carefully planned questions which prompt children to become more reflective and independent learners.

This themed approach allows us to provide lots of planned opportunities for children to develop, not just academically, but also in mind, body and spirit. Big questions are addressed to recognise issues such as justice, sustainability, deprivation and exploitation both from a physical and human perspective. Thoughtful consideration is given to social, moral, cultural and spiritual development, encouraging children to know what it means to be respectful, responsible and compassionate local, national and global citizens. We endeavour to then give children as many opportunities as possible to demonstrate their courageous advocacy and hope for the future by becoming involved and taking action.

For subjects which do not fit easily into a themed approach, discrete teaching takes place often using a published scheme. For example, French, Jigsaw for PSHE, Computing & E Safety. Where there is no published scheme, we are creating detailed skills progression plans eg Design and Technology, Art and Design, History and Geography.

Please see separate pages within ‘Curriculum’ for further information on Maths, English, RE, Science and PE.



See also Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education on website under Vision and Values

Our curriculum is further enriched by culture of Crew Character - see separate section on website under Curriculum or tiles on Home page.


Together we inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture and challenge, we provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive, to lead and serve in their life long journey as local, national and global citizens.
