Curriculum Intent As a church school within the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust, our curriculum follows the principles of the Trust, embraces our own local context and is very much led by our Christian vision and values (see separate sections of website). Our Curriculum: - Meets the needs of our school, context and pupils by identifying priorities based on rigorous self-evaluation. Currently, we are raising expectations and inspiring children to take the lead so that they can achieve more than they ever thought possible.
- Is unique because it is increasingly drawing on our ‘rich’ local community, its positive culture of hope and although a relatively young school, can already point to the beginnings of a successful legacy which is displayed prominently in the school to inspire future generations.
- Enables pupils to experience and connect to local, national and global communities over time because of our themed approach to learning, Crew character education and strong links with other communities eg Rotary Club and support for national charities.
- Gives pupils the opportunity to experience broad range of creative learning experiences to develop their moral, spiritual, social, mental, physical and cultural understanding through planned opportunities to visit places of interest, undertake adventurous activities during year residential and in school (through young leader roles) enjoy close links with the local churches, participate in a full competitive sports’ programme with other schools and be part of a strong culture of nurture using the Thrive approach overseen by our Learning Mentor and Inclusion Team.
- Provides pupils opportunities to understand and develop the Trust’s five core values – kindness, respect, perseverance, forgiveness and love because these values are displayed centrally in the school and complement our own:
*Respect is one of our own values and a British Value *Kindness is borne out of our value of compassion *Perseverance leads to our own value of resilience *Forgiveness and love are the essence of Jesus’ life and ministry which is a central theme in worship, *Understanding Christianity and the basis of our behaviour policy where children can start afresh *Knowing those around them believe in them and want the best for them. - Is ambitious as shown by our mission strap line: Aiming higher together every day in every way and in our vision statement we seek to inspire children to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
- Celebrates children as unique individuals which is captured in our vision statement and culture of CREW.
- Prepares children well for secondary school and is adapted, designed and developed for pupils with learning needs or disabilities through quality first teaching where learning is adapted ‘in the moment’, support from the SENCO and Inclusion Team, regular meetings with parents and support from external agencies.
- Overview is based on the National Curriculum and underpinned by skills progression planning for individual subjects. Transition between phases and year groups is well planned and the many school consistencies mean change is managed well by the children.
- Is broadened and enhanced by enrichment opportunities which include clubs, music lessons, Young leaders, Archbishop Award, links with the community, church links, a full sporting calendar, adventurous activity opportunities and regular visits and visitors.
- Is flexible in response to our self -evaluation of children’s achievement as well as children’s feedback – this is achieved through triangulation of monitoring, a culture of full participation, a focus on behaviour for learning, marking and feedback strategies, assessment for learning and pupil voice.