Our Churches
Our school has an Anglican Methodist foundation which means that our ethos is based on the Christian values and principles of both the Anglican and Methodist Church. We enjoy working with both local churches.
Our clergy work with us on developing a vision that embraces John 10 v.10 - life in all its fullness. We meet with our clergy and staff from St Peter's (another Portishead Church School) to plan our worship themes for the term.
Through our welcome area next to the staff room is a small room with a big heart - Oasis. Here you will find comfort in sofas, a brightly coloured rug, toys, books and coffee / tea. The Oasis work is done in partnership between church and school and the hope is that we can support families and family life together. You will find many resources and signposting here too. Sometimes it is used for coffee mornings, meetings for families or just a quiet space.
Our clergy lead worship in school weekly and our children go to services at Easter, Christmas and at the end of the academic year at both our churches.
Rev Rob and Rev Nick are both Governors in school and frequent visitors. They play a full role in school life through Messy Church in Nursery, Christmas and Summer fairs as well as being available for a chat in the staff room from time to time. They are well known and appreciated by the children, staff and parents.