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Trinity Anglican Methodist

Primary School

Aiming higher together, every day in every way

Trust Logo

Everyone is Unique

EVERYONE IS UNIQUE – Space to show respect to thrive and flourish as local, national and global citizens.

Through our broad, rich curriculum, we respect and celebrate everyone’s unique qualities so that children can discover and develop their interests and talents.

'This is Me’ - in every class where children have an annual special day when they can share with classmates and celebrate their passions and talents which are unique to them.


We support charities such as Children in need, Red Nose day and the Poppy Appeal.

We learn about Children's rights and Fair trade as part of our PSHE curriculum and Themed learning.

A wide range of visits and visitors share our values and help us appreciate our community from different perspectives.

We enjoy collaborating with other schools in our Trust.



Together we inspire, through our Christian values, unique individuals who believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible in mind, body and spirit. Through nurture and challenge, we provide a firm foundation to enable all to thrive, to lead and serve in their life long journey as local, national and global citizens.
