Maths in the EYFS.
Our aim within the Early Years curriculum is to support children's problem solving skills, developing spatial awareness, understanding and using shapes and measures, understanding time and introducing mathematical language and numeracy.
Maths through play.
Young children learn through play experiences as it makes learning fun and an interesting experience, which will support them to remember more in their long term memory. We do this through introducing language and opportunities for them to explore shape and solve problems by following their interest and offering exciting play activities. The adult plays an important part in supporting, enhancing and extending these play opportunities by providing resources and materials in the moment without interfering which can cease play. Also exploring number and mathematical language through nursery rhymes and books feeds young inquisitive minds, with lots of repetition.
"Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold."
Joseph Chilton Pearce
How can we support maths at home?
- Count everything.
- Look for numbers in books or in the environment.
- Use positional language, in/out/up/down/on
- Use mathematical language, big, small, longest, shortest
- Talk about shapes
- Sing number rhymes
- Help understand concept of time with routine, talking about times of day. (lunch time/Bed time)
Here are some websites that we use to support learning these concepts;
Learn to Count up to 10 with Underwater Counting Maths Game (
Ordering and Sequencing:
Ladybird Spots - Counting, Matching and Ordering game (